The Tarpon Springs Church of Christ is a local, independent congregation of God's people, i.e., believers who have been baptized into Christ for the remission of sins, and who are committed to living by faith in Christ. 

It is our sincere desire to come to a full understanding of the teaching of Christ. While we work together toward this goal, we agree to be tolerant of one another in matters of opinion and to not be contentious about matters on which we differ. Our joint action is based upon those things we all agree the Bible teaches that the local church is authorized to do.

Public Worship

Following the New Testament pattern, we assemble together on the first day of every week to partake of the Lord's Supper and to sing, pray, teach, and give of our means. While there is no formal ritual for us to follow, our assemblies are always conducted "decently and in order" (1 Corinthians 14:40).

During these times, any physical or spiritual needs of the members of this congregation are made known so their spiritual family may not only pray for them but also tend to their needs.


We actively are engaged in the proclamation of the gospel. Each Sunday a gospel sermon is an integral part of our service. We also publish a monthly teaching bulletin, Truth and Reason, in which each issue contains an article emphasizing some aspect of the gospel. Additionally, we offer a free, no obligation Bible Correspondence Course that focuses on what one must do to be saved.


Its teaching program is a high priority for the Tarpon Springs church. It provides classes for all age groups which emphasize the inspired Scriptures. The classes are designed to strengthen each student by helping them to know, understand and apply those lessons they have learned from Scripture.


This church is willing and able to take care of the physical needs of its own members and other needy Christians. We are also aware of our responsibility as individuals towards the needs of our own family (1 Timothy 5:8, 16). Individual Christians are always interested in the plight of their fellow man and will continue to care for those outside of Christ who have genuine physical needs.